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8 Best Drinks for Erectile Dysfunction

11 min read
8 Best Drinks for Erectile Dysfunction

Keeping your body healthy is the best way to keep your penis healthy - which includes reducing both the risk and symptoms of erectile dysfunction. There are quite a large number of beverages that, while they're not silver bullets that will totally cure or prevent ED, will contribute to keeping your general health in check - which can have the secondary benefit of improving erectile function.

In this article, we'll be detailing some of the drinks that have been found to have positive effects on your bodily health that could translate to improvements in your erections. Water pomegranate and beet juice, green and other herbal teas, and fortified milk can all be very beneficial for your health. Even coffee and red wine, when consumed in moderation, may improve your erectile health by way of improving your overall well-being.

Once we've been over the good, we'll also get into the bad - the drinks you might want to avoid if you're worried about ED. Generally, drinks high in sugar, fat, and alcohol are all best avoided if penis and general health are on your mind. At the end of the day, a balanced diet is the best thing for your body - and often directly translates to better erections.

Illustration of the Best Drinks For Erectile Dysfunction

1. Pomegranate Juice

One 2007 study found that half of its participants (all men with mild to moderate ED) reported improved erections after 4 weeks of drinking pomegranate juice. More subjects reported improvements after drinking the pomegranate than they did after 4 weeks of drinking a placebo beverage. While the study itself doesn't claim to have a definitive answer, it definitely suggests pomegranate juice may make a difference in improving ED.

Pomegranate juice and extract have been linked to improved blood flow, pressure, and circulation, and the antioxidants they contain can contribute to reduced inflammation, both of which are vital for a healthy cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular disease is well-known to be linked to erectile dysfunction - so anything that helps ward it off has the secondary benefit of reducing the risk of ED.

How to consume more pomegranate juice

  • Incorporate a small glass of juice into your morning routine - 150ml is enough
  • If you enjoy smoothies, add some pomegranate juice to the blender
  • Add pomegranate to meals and fruit salads - you'll be getting extra fiber too
  • Swap out some of the fruit you usually eat for pomegranate - if you eat grapes every day, for example, aim to have pomegranate every other day
  • Avoid pomegranate juice that has been sweetened with added sugar - fruit juice is sugar enough as it is

2. Green Tea

Green tea contains lots of plant compounds (also known as flavenoids) called catechins. These flavonoids are associated with both reduced blood pressure and improvements in blood flow, thanks to how they help dilate your blood vessels - this is necessary for achieving and maintaining erections. Furthermore, catechins have been linked to a reduction in total and LDL cholesterol - the kind that clogs your arteries and can lead to heart and arterial diseases. They also help reduce inflammation.

As catechins can help prevent these issues, green tea may be beneficial to your erectile health.

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and inflammation are all linked to erectile dysfunction due to their role in causing arteriosclerosis - where your arteries get harder and thicker due to a buildup of a substance called plaque. This can reduce blood flow to the penis - and without good blood flow, you can't get hard. As catechins can help prevent these issues, green tea may be beneficial to your erectile health.

How to consume more green tea

  • Try having a green tea every now and then instead of your morning coffee - most coffee shops sell it, and it's easy to make at home
  • If you prefer more flavorful beverages, feel free to add slices of fruit, or even herbs such as mint
  • Don't have it with milk, as milk can reduce the amount of antioxidants you absorb
  • As it can help you relax, it can be good to incorporate into your evening routine - but since it contains caffeine, don't drink it right before going to bed (unless you get decaf)

3. Beet Juice

Beetroot contains high amounts of nitrates - a compound of nitrogen and oxygen that, once in the body, are converted into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is known to relax and widen your blood vessels, helping lower blood pressure and improve circulation. The substance has also been found to prevent inflammation and blood clot formation while helping create new blood vessels.

As we've discussed already, improved circulation, lower blood pressure, and reduced inflammation are linked to increasing the strength of your erections due to how they all help to keep your cardiovascular health in check. Your cardiovascular system plays a vital role in allowing the blood flow to your penis that is necessary for strong erections, and the nitrates found in beet juice can help out here.

How to consume more beet juice

  • Try having a small glass of beet juice in the mornings instead or orange juice, for example
  • If you're not keen on the flavor, try adding some other juices - some people like to add citrus, apple, carrot, or pineapple juice
  • If you enjoy smoothies, add beet juice or sliced beetroot
  • Incorporate beetroot into meals and salads
  • If you have a sensitive stomach, beets can cause gas or bloating - beet juice from concentrate shouldn't cause issues to the same degree
  • Avoid beet juice that has been sweetened with added sugar

4. Water

Staying hydrated by drinking enough water is absolutely vital for proper sexual function, as well as your health in general. Dehydration can contribute to decreased vascular function as your blood volume gets lower, which can increase your blood pressure and heart rate, leading to arterial damage. By staying hydrated you'll be helping keep your blood pressure down and your blood volume up, preventing damage to your arteries and allowing your erections to have the right blood flow.

Staying hydrated by drinking enough water is absolutely vital for proper sexual function, as well as your health in general. 

Furthermore, dehydration can negatively affect your mood and cause tiredness and fatigue. Low mood can worsen your mental health, and fatigue can mean your body is simply too tired, both of which can lead to erectile dysfunction among other sexual disorders. Luckily, staying hydrated can improve and reverse the symptoms of dehydration, making a big difference to your overall bodily health.

How to consume more water

According to Harvard Health, while everyone's body is different, to stay healthy, men need to consume around 15.5 cups of water per day, and women need around 11.5 cups. This can come from liquids and hydrating foods, not just plain water.

  • Keep track of how much you're drinking - you could use the notes app on your phone, or get a water bottle with marks on the outside to help get a better idea of how much you've drank in a day
  • Set reminders on your phone to let you know periodically when it's time to drink some water
  • Make sure to eat hydrating foods including high-water fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, watermelon, cucumber, and celery
  • If you're not keen on plain water, add some flavor - you could use slices of fruit, or sugar-free flavorings
  • Avoid sugary drinks - unlike water, they're bad for your teeth and are associated with metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity
  • Try to get into the routine of having a big glass of water with every meal
  • Take regular water breaks when you're working
  • Remember that hunger and thirst can feel similar - if you feel hungry, you might need some water too

5. Coffee

In a study from 2004, it was found that participants who consumed up to 303mg of caffeine per day (2 to 3 cups of coffee) were less likely to report erectile dysfunction than those who consumed lower amounts. While it used to be thought that caffeine contributed to the stiffening of the arteries, more recent research suggests this might not be the case, and that caffeine may actually assist in keeping arteries clean, helping improve blood flow.

However, coffee and caffeine are also associated with high blood pressure.

While there isn't necessarily a strong link to increased blood pressure on a long-term basis, it can cause a boost in the hours after you have a drink, which is why it's recommended that patients with hypertension avoid caffeine. While it's good for a boost of energy (which can be beneficial for sex) it can also contribute to anxiety and insomnia, and affect your heart rate. For these reasons, it's best to limit yourself to the 2 to 3 cups we mentioned earlier.

How to consume a healthy amount of coffee

  • Don't go overboard - limit yourself to 2 to 3 cups spread throughout the day
  • Keep track of how many cups you've had - don't bother counting milligrams of caffeine, just make a note when you've had a cup
  • Opt for a small or medium coffee instead of a large
  • Drink decaf if you pass this limit but still fancy a cup
  • Be aware of other sources of caffeine such as teas, energy drinks, and chocolate
  • Don't drink too many dessert-style coffee beverages in a day - too much sugar and cream can contribute to metabolic issues

6. Milk (fortified with vitamin D)

In the USA and various other regions - including Canada, Norway, and developing countries - cow's milk is fortified with vitamins and minerals, including but not limited to vitamin D. Studies show that vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for proper erectile function, and a deficiency in the vitamin is associated with erectile dysfunction.

It has been found that vitamin D is involved in regulating steroid hormones, which includes sex hormones such as testosterone. Some studies have found an association between lower testosterone and erectile dysfunction, which suggests that drinking fortified milk can help reduce the risk of developing the condition.

How to consume more milk

  • Add some milk to your morning coffee
  • Have cereal with milk for breakfast, or as a snack
  • If you're into working out, try out some protein shakes
  • If you enjoy smoothies, add some milk to them

7. Herbal Teas (chamomile, ashwagandha, lavender, etc)

Several studies have shown that herbs such as chamomile, lavender, and ashwagandha are helpful when it comes to reducing stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Erectile dysfunction is heavily associated with stress, anxiety, and depression - various official health resources list them as causes of the condition. You can probably see where we're going with this.

The fact that herbs are capable of reducing stress - one of the causes of erectile dysfunction - consuming herbs may help reduce the risk of developing erection problems. One of the best ways to consume these herbs is with herbal teas, as many kinds are readily available, especially chamomile. While herbal teas aren't going to cure any serious mental health disorders, they can provide some short-term relief, and potentially help you destress to the point where it doesn't affect your erections in the moment.

How to consume more herbal teas

  • Swap out your morning coffee for herbal teas every now and then - like with green tea, it's easy to make at home, and lots of coffee shops sell them
  • Try out a few to see which herbal teas you prefer
  • If you prefer more flavorful beverages, feel free to add slices of fruit or other herbs such as mint
  • As it can help you relax, it can be good to incorporate into your evening routine

8. Red Wine (in moderation)

Though it sounds too good to be true, studies have actually found that a moderate intake of red wine can reduce the risk of arterial diseases. Red wine contains phenolic compounds (including, notably, resveratrol) which have been shown to reduce inflammation, reduce insulin resistance, and reduce oxidative stress. As we've already discussed in this article, improvements in your cardiovascular system basically translate exactly to improvements in your erections.

As such, red wine can contribute to improving the symptoms of ED. Of course, the key here is the phrase "moderate intake".

Alcohol and alcohol dependence are strongly linked to erectile dysfunction, among other things. The AHA recommends that men drink no more than two drinks per day - which translates to around 8 ounces of wine, or 2 to 3 small glasses.

How to consume a healthy amount of red wine

  • Keep track of how much wine you're drinking
  • Make sure you're aware of the alcohol percentage of your wine - you should drink less if the percentage is higher
  • Don't drink straight from the bottle - pouring into a glass makes it easier to keep track of how much you've had
  • Have wine with a meal - this means you're not consuming alcohol on an empty stomach
  • Ask your doctor - they'll be able to recommend a healthy amount that works the best for you
  • Try to stick to an overall balanced and healthy diet

What are some drinks to avoid if you're dealing with ED?

Though there are lots of drinks that can potentially improve your erectile function, there are also plenty of drinks that can do the opposite. Here are some of the drinks you may want to avoid or reduce your intake of if you're concerned about ED.

Illustration of the Drinks To Avoid If You Are Dealing With ED

Sugary soft drinks (sodas)

Regular, non-diet sodas such as classic Coca-Cola or Sprite contain large quantities of added sugar - that's the reason they taste so good. However, excessive amounts of sugar can contribute to weight gain, obesity, and diabetes, all of which can damage your cardiovascular system - a risk factor for ED.

Energy drinks

Much like sodas, most energy drinks are full of sugar, the overconsumption of which can increase your risk of developing ED. They also often contain caffeine, with a can of Red Bull containing around 80mg, similar to a cup of coffee. While the effect of caffeine on the cardiovascular system is debatable (being good in some ways and bad in others), coffee is a safer alternative thanks to the lower sugar content - as long as it's not flavored.

Flavored coffee drinks (high sugar and cream content)

Flavored coffee drinks, especially those from chain coffee shops, often contain lots of syrups and cream - meaning they're high in sugar and fat. Both of these things can cause metabolic diseases when consumed in excess, with cream in particular contributing to raising your levels of LDL cholesterol which can damage your arteries and even result in a blockage. Anything that affects your blood flow can increase your risk of developing ED.

Excessive alcohol (beyond moderate red wine)

Consuming a high content of alcohol can contribute to erectile dysfunction in the short term and the long term. In the short term, having too much to drink can cause what is known as "whiskey dick", and the long-term effects on the central nervous system and cardiovascular system can lead to full-on ED.

High-sugar fruit juices

Though fruit juice has many health benefits thanks to being full of nutrients, it's also full of sugar - a similar amount to some sodas. Excessive sugar can contribute to ED due to its negative effect on your cardiovascular system, so if you're consuming fruit juice, limit yourself to a small glass per day. Additionally, some from-concentrate juices include other extra sugar alongside other additives and preservatives, so if you can afford to avoid it, we'd recommend doing so.

Whole milk (in excess)

Whole milk can contribute to erectile dysfunction due to its higher fat content than its low-fat alternatives such as 2% or skim milk. Higher-fat foods and drinks have more calories than low-fat options, as well as a higher percentage of saturated fat. Extra calories and saturated fats can negatively affect the cardiovascular system when consumed in excess, making them a risk factor for ED. Where you can, swap out whole milk for low-fat varieties.

Heavy beer consumption

Consuming a lot of beer means you're consuming a lot of alcohol, which, as we've already discussed, can cause erectile issues in the short term (whiskey dick) and the long term (clinical erectile dysfunction). However, beer contains more calories than most other alcoholic beverages, meaning its overconsumption contributes more to weight gain, obesity, and diabetes - which can further damage your body, resulting in ED.

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While the drinks we've listed here are probably not going to outright cure your erectile dysfunction, they all either help keep your cardiovascular system healthy, reduce inflammation, keep your hormones properly regulated, reduce stress and anxiety, or improve your overall health. What this means is that they all may have the secondary benefit of reducing your risk of developing ED, or improving your symptoms if you're currently struggling with the condition. Of course, there are also drinks that can do the opposite.

Essentially, if you're worried about ED you should avoid drinks that are high in sugar (sodas), fat (whole milk, dessert-style coffees), caffeine (energy drinks), and alcohol.

These drinks, when consumed in excess, can be harmful to the body, negatively affecting your erectile function.

Drinks that you should focus on incorporating into your diet are those that are hydrating (water), high in antioxidants (pomegranate juice), catechins (green tea), nitrates (beet juice), vitamin D (fortified milk), and calming herbs (herbal teas), while incorporating a moderate amount of coffee for the caffeine, and even red wine for the resveratrol. These drinks can all have positive effects on your body, which can have the knock-on effect of improving your erections.

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