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9 Best Foods for Prostate Health

8 min read
9 Best Foods for Prostate Health

There's a lot of truth in the saying, 'You are what you eat.' With many of us paying more attention to our health and fitness, diet plays a huge part in our well-being.

For men—or those with a prostate—there comes a time when we may be more concerned about what it takes to maintain a healthy prostate gland. With prostate cancer being prevalent among older males in the US, more of us than ever are contemplating ways to support prostate health and prevent prostate cancer.

Can diet reduce the risk of prostate cancer?

While research regularly shows how much diet impacts health and well-being, more work needs to be done to explore exactly how it might affect prostate health.

Given there's no single system or diet that can guarantee prostate health, one that is high in the nutrients that support its operation can only provide better health outcomes than eating the things that we know aren't good for our bodies.

For the best chances of a healthy prostate, sticking to a nutritious diet, getting regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight are all things that will improve our general health, supporting all of our body's organs and functions.

Foods to eat for prostate health

Plenty of research suggests that certain foods, due to the nutrients and compounds they contain, can help to keep your prostate healthy.

Some studies indicate that many can aid cancer prevention and suppress tumor growth.

So, if you're looking for a few ideas to improve your diet, let's get started on our list of prostate-friendly foods.

Best Foods for Prostate Health

Diagram of the Best Foods for Prostate Health

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. Their antioxidant properties protect cells from damage and could provide reduced prostate cancer risk.

Our novel data demonstrates that higher lycopene consumption/circulating concentration is associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer.

How to add tomatoes to your diet:

  • Cooking pasta or vegetables in a tomato sauce
  • Add sun-dried tomatoes to your recipes
  • Drink tomato juice
  • Include tomatoes in salads, side salads, sandwiches, or as a standalone snack

    A quick note on lycopene: Because this antioxidant is bound to the walls of raw tomatoes, the body struggles to extract it. Cooking and pureeing tomatoes will help release it, maximize its effects, and make it easier to digest.

    2. Salmon

    Salmon and other fatty fish contain essential fatty acids known as polyunsaturated fats. These include omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which we can only achieve through diet.

    Omega 3 consumption is believed to lower the risk of prostate cancer and prostate cancer mortality.

    This study validates in a larger cohort our previous findings suggesting that long-chain omega-3, the EPA subtype in particular, are protective against high-grade prostate cancer. 

    How to add more fish and omega-3 to your diet:

    • Add salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, cod, trout, and many others to your recipe schedule
    • Cooking fish in tomato sauce adds two of our top foods for prostate health in one dish
    • Fish is a great ingredient for main courses, pasta dishes, soups, salads, and sandwiches

      3. Berries

      Berries are an excellent source of antioxidants. They help regulate harmful free radicals that can cause inflammation, a problem that can lead to an enlarged prostate and other prostate problems.

      How to add more berries to your diet:

      • Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries all make healthy fruit snacks when eaten on their own
      • They can be used as a healthier dessert option or added to smoothies and milkshakes
      • You can add berries to salads and cereals or even frozen inside ice cubes

      4. Broccoli

      Broccoli is one of many cruciferous vegetables thought to lower prostate cancer risk. It contains many complex compounds that offer a range of health perks and increase general health, but most importantly, sulforaphane.

      Sulforaphane is thought to attack cancer cells and promote prostate health.

      Some case-control studies have found that people who ate greater amounts of cruciferous vegetables had a lower risk of prostate cancer.

      Other cruciferous vegetables include cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, turnips, wasabi, bok choy, and more.

      How to add more broccoli to your diet:

      • Add to stir-fry vegetable dishes
      • Include in curry or chilli dishes
      • A great addition to soups
      • Eat steamed, lightly boiled, or raw
      • Finely chopped broccoli can be added to most dishes

      5. Nuts

      Most nuts are rich in zinc, healthy fats, protein, and other nutrients such as selenium and vitamin E, all of which are considered to aid prostate health.

      How to add more nuts to your diet:

      • Eat nuts as a snack to enhance any nutritious diet
      • A healthy addition to salads
      • Add to other recipes to enhance flavors and crunch

      6. Green tea

      Green tea has been drunk for its health merits in Eastern culture for thousands of years. Several of its compounds—including important antioxidants—are thought to reduce prostate cancer risk.

      However, according to this study, you might have to drink quite a lot of it to benefit from it.

      Our novel data demonstrated that higher green tea consumption was linearly reduced prostate cancer risk with more than 7 cups/day and green tea catechins were effective for preventing prostate cancer. 

      How to add green tea to your diet:

      • Add a cup or two (or seven) to your usual daily drink regime
      • Decaffeinated green tea is available for those cutting down on caffeine
      • Cool green tea can make a refreshing change or as a base for smoothies and shakes
      • Green tea powder can be added to almost anything for those who don't like the taste in a drink

      7. Pomegranate

      Pomegranate juice is another fruit rich in nutrients that aid various general health factors. It is also another source of antioxidants, which are thought to lower the cancer risk factor.

      How to add pomegranate to your diet:

      • Add to green and fruit salads
      • Sprinkle onto cereal or into yogurt or oatmeal
      • A great addition to smoothies, milkshakes, and fruit juice drinks

      8. Pumpkin seeds

      Pumpkin seeds, which contain a phytochemical thought to prevent prostate problems, have been recommended as a supplement to help treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (an enlarged prostate).

      How to add more pumpkin seeds to your diet:

      • Mix into granola, yogurt, and cereal
      • Sprinkle them on your salads, meat, and pasta dishes
      • A great addition to smoothies
      • Easy to add to dips like guacamole and hummus
      • Great to bake into cookies or breads or use as a crunchy topping

      9. Citrus fruits

      The Mediterranean diet has made adding highly colorful fruits and vegetables more attractive for healthy eating. These sunshine-soaked citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, a great addition to a healthy diet, and also great for supplementing prostate health.

      How to add more citrus fruits to your diet:

      • Eat oranges, satsumas, and tangerines as regular snacks, or add to salads, cereals, and smoothies
      • Use citrus juices as a base for sauces and dressings
      • Grate citrus fruit zest and squeeze the juice on fish, chicken, and in other recipes to add a little bite
      • Citrus fruits are the base for thousands of delicious desserts
      • Add slices of citrus fruit to water and drink to help remove toxins from your body and improve energy levels

      Foods to avoid for prostate health

      We've considered the best foods for prostate health, but what about the flip side of that coin?

      It's good to reap the benefits of the healthy fats, antioxidants, and essential nutrients found in fruit, vegetables, nuts, fatty fish, and more, but what if the rest of your diet is working against those positive steps?

      Here are a few foods and drinks that you may benefit from eating a little less of to maximize the benefits to your health and prostate function.

      Alcohol Some studies suggest that alcohol increases the risk of developing prostate cancer, especially when consumed alongside other factors such as smoking, poor diet, age, stress, obesity, and physical and sexual activity 
      Red meat

      Being high in saturated fats, red meat may cause an increased risk of inflammation, which commonly affects ED and BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia).

      The data suggested that a diet that is more adherent to the Mediterranean diet or that emphasizes the presence of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and fish or other sources of long-chain (n-3) fats, in addition to reduced content of red meat, may have a beneficial role on erectile function.

      At the same time, the same beneficial effects can be transferred to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) as a result of the indirect regulatory effects on prostatic growth and smooth muscle tone, thus determining an improvement in symptoms.

      Salty foods

      Too much salt can increase urinary tract symptoms associated with BPH, so a low-sodium diet could help reduce that problem.

      Remember, processed foods often contain a high salt content, so sticking to freshly prepared food and meals helps to limit the amount of sodium you consume.


      Dairy has been suggested as one of the foods that may affect the prostate; however, more research is required to form any concrete evidence.

      Consuming milk, cream, and cheese should be moderated as part of a balanced diet.

      A note on caffeine

      Many resources claim that caffeine, when acting as a diuretic, can affect how often a person needs to urinate and, in turn, affect prostate condition. However, according to this article from Psychology Today magazine, coffee—as well as being a top source of antioxidants—has far more benefits to a longer, healthier life than previously thought—as long as it's consumed in moderation.

      Overall, the numerous health benefits of coffee consumption far outweigh any negatives (for most people—check with your physician to discuss your specific situation!). Regular coffee consumption appears to be good for the brain and can contribute to living a longer and healthier life.

      Many resources claim that caffeine, when acting as a diuretic, can affect how often a person needs to urinate and, in turn, affect prostate condition.

      If you are a coffee lover, check with your healthcare provider to see how it might affect your situation—and remember to avoid adding sugar or cream to your beverage, as sugar and dairy aren't favorable for prostate health.

      I already have an enlarged prostate; what can I do?

      An enlarged prostate doesn't mean you'll develop prostate cancer. There are three main conditions that affect prostate health:

      1. Prostatitis – This is where the prostate gland becomes swollen or inflamed, tender, and often painful during urination or ejaculation.

      2. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) – More prevalent in older men, BPH is an overgrowth of surrounding cells that causes an enlarged prostate. Symptoms include increased urinary frequency and urgency.

      3. Prostate cancer – Prostate cancer cells grow in the gland tissue.

      When suffering any discomfort or prostate problems, you should always consult your doctor or healthcare provider.

      To maintain good prostate health—on top of enjoying a healthy diet and regular exercise—the following can help with your prostate and overall health and can also help with other male reproductive system issues such as erectile dysfunction.

      Quit smoking

      Smoking is a leading cause of many diseases throughout the body and may increase prostate cancer risk by exposure to carcinogens and affecting hormone levels.

      The best way to avoid its effects is to quit completely.

      Avoid fizzy drinks

      Carbonated drinks are regularly associated with obesity, diabetes, and endocrine disorders.

      They also boost androgen and androgen receptor levels, which are known to play a part in prostate cancer development.

      Engage in double voiding

      Double voiding encourages a completely empty bladder.

      It prompts further urination after the initial release through patience and movement (from side to side, leaning backward and forward, or standing up and sitting down).

      Eat more fiber Eating fiber as part of a balanced diet provides countless benefits for our health. It shows "a favorable association with prostate cancer risk" 
      Use pads or a sheath Absorbent pads and urinary sheaths soak up or collect leaks to protect clothing and the wearer's dignity.
      Engage in bladder training

      Bladder training helps people wait longer between urinations and hold more urine in their bladders.

      It incorporates several exercises that utilize breathing, relaxation, muscle exercises, and others that help to distract from the need to urinate.

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      We hope you found our best foods for prostate health content useful and interesting.

      Improving our general health through diet, exercise, and other best practices goes a long way to improving the body's operation, condition, and, in turn, prostate health. Including our selection of prostate-friendly foods and avoiding those known or thought to have a negative effect can only improve its health and function.

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