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11 Best Foods for Testosterone Production

10 min read
11 Best Foods for Testosterone Production

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It regulates muscle mass, muscle growth, fat distribution, bone health, sex drive, sperm production, and fertility. It also helps improve energy levels and overall health, and as we're concerned with today, sexual function and performance.

The medical term for low testosterone or testosterone deficiency is hypogonadism (when the sex organs produce little or no sex hormones). Given how much diet impacts both our general and sexual health, eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones can help boost testosterone levels and improve sexual performance.

For those who prefer to boost testosterone naturally, certain foods are known to increase testosterone levels, and a change in diet is a simple adjustment anyone can make. However, to ensure we're getting the nutrients we need, we need to know which foods increase testosterone levels and which ones decrease them.

In this guide, we'll explore the best foods to increase testosterone - as well as looking at the evidence that backs up the claim. We'll also explain how to add more of each ingredient to your diet - making it as easy as possible to boost testosterone naturally.

Illustration of the Best Foods for Testosterone Production

1. Lean beef

Protein Too little protein in your diet results in the production of a substance that binds to testosterone, reducing its levels
Zinc A key nutrient for testosterone production

While red meat is regularly frowned upon due to its saturated fat content, it's also rich in protein and zinc, both of which help increase testosterone. Choosing lean beef helps reduce unhealthy fats while consuming the necessary elements.

Zinc is a big player in reproductive health, as several studies show a severe zinc deficiency can lead to hypogonadism. You'll find a lot of our recommended foods include zinc, and lean beef has high levels of this essential element.

How to add more lean beef to your diet

You don't have to eat masses of steak to get more red meat in your diet. Adding chopped lean beef to stews and casseroles is a healthy way to mix it in with portions of vegetables, while slow-cooking red meat will help break down the proteins, making them easier to absorb.

2. Eggs

Protein Too little protein in your diet results in the production of a substance that binds to testosterone, reducing levels
Healthy fats Aiding hormone production and balancing cholesterol levels
Vitamin D  Crucial to hormone production, resulting in natural testosterone-boosting effects

A mineral that acts as an antioxidant shown to aid testosterone production

While dairy is on our list of possible negative impact foods, eggs are rich in several elements that boost testosterone production. As this study showed, sticking to egg-white omelets won't do the trick; most of the good stuff is in the yolks.

How to add more eggs to your diet

Boiled or scrambled eggs help you start the day with a protein-based breakfast instead of less healthy cereals likely to give you a sugar spike from rising blood glucose levels. Boiled or poached eggs sit nicely on a salad, and omelets and frittatas make delicious lunches.

3. Fatty fish like tuna and salmon

Protein Too little protein in your diet results in the production of a substance that binds to testosterone, reducing levels
Vitamin D  Crucial to hormone production, resulting in natural testosterone increases
Zinc A key nutrient for testosterone production
Omega-3 Fatty Acid A healthy fat that supports heart and joint health

Eating fish is a good dietary addition for many reasons, and this study shows how eating all kinds of fish can aid a testosterone-friendly diet.

How to add more tuna and salmon to your diet

Fatty fish are great additions to salads, sandwiches, and snacks, and grilling, roasting, or baking them keeps things healthy. There's no need to stop at tuna and salmon, though, as mackerel, herring, trout, sardines, and plenty of others are just as effective.

If you're not a big fish fan, fish oil is a good substitute, as are the supplements found in good health stores.

4. Oysters and shellfish

Zinc A key nutrient for testosterone production
Omega-3 Fatty Acid A healthy fat essential to sperm health
Amino Acids Deliver an antioxidant effect that can enhance Leydig cells (that produce testosterone)
Selenium mineral that acts as an antioxidant thought to aid testosterone production

Oysters, which have been shown to promote testosterone synthesis, contain almost five times the recommended daily amount of zinc; no wonder they're so regularly associated with fertility and considered an aphrodisiac. It's also a key component in boosting the immune system.

How to add more oysters and shellfish to your diet

Oysters make a great main course on date night, or why not add crab, shrimp, prawns, and more to existing recipes, breakfasts, salads, and bagel toppings?

5. Spinach, cruciferous vegetables, and dark, leafy greens

Magnesium A mineral that blocks protein from binding with testosterone, leaving more free in your system
Indole-3-carbinol An antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound found in cruciferous vegetables that helps balance estrogen levels to support testosterone levels

Oxidative stress and inflammation can reduce testosterone levels, and given that magnesium reduces oxidative stress—an imbalance between antioxidant defenses and free radicals—it won't do any harm to pack a little extra into your diet. A diet rich in the nutrients shown to combat testosterone deficiency should include plenty of vegetables and dark or leafy greens.

How to add more spinach and cruciferous vegetables to your diet

Adding vegetables and leafy greens as a side to traditional meals is pretty straightforward, or adding them to stews, curries, or other appropriate dishes to pack them out is also a great addition to your favorite recipes.

Other beneficial veggie options include kale, cabbage, legumes, beans, nuts, and seeds.

6. Garlic and onions

Flavonoids An antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress

Garlic and onions are rich in flavonoids that encourage sperm health by reducing oxidative stress. They also fight inflammation and the free radicals that cause cells to age prematurely. Garlic also promotes hormone development, which boosts testosterone levels in men.

How to add more garlic to your diet

Garlic adds a great flavor to soups, sauces, and dressings. It can also be added as a seasoning to roast vegetables or even roasted whole.

7. Avocado

Magnesium A mineral that blocks protein from binding with testosterone, leaving more free in your system
Healthy fats Aiding hormone production and balancing cholesterol levels
Boron A trace mineral that influences testosterone levels and protects against testosterone degradation

Avocado could well be one of the most fashionable foods today, and for good reason—it's got plenty of the good stuff that helps maintain a healthy body. Specifically, it's one of the few foods that includes boron, which studies have shown to boost testosterone levels significantly.

How to add more avocado to your diet

Stuffed avocados make great breakfast and lunch dishes. You can also add avocado to scrambled eggs, soups, and sauces. And guacamole, of course, makes an incredibly versatile dip or spread.

8. Olive oil

Monosaturated Fat A healthy fat
Vitamin E  Another valuable antioxidant

Trading saturated fats for healthier options can help boost testosterone production. Olive oil—shown to raise testosterone—is one of the staples of the Mediterranean diet, which is regularly commended as one of the healthiest of our time, full of fruit and vegetables that promote ideal general health.

How to add more olive oil to your diet

Mixing olive oil with balsamic vinegar and mustard makes a great dressing, or why not try drizzling it over roast vegetables for a healthy Mediterranean flavor?

9. Pomegranate

Flavonoids An antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress

Pomegranate helps to lower levels of stress hormones, including cortisol. By lowering stress levels and the amount of stress hormones in your system, you'll raise the levels of sex hormones, including testosterone.

How to add more pomegranate to your diet

Pomegranate seeds can be sprinkled on desserts, salads, and fruit salads, added to smoothies, dips, sauces, and spreads, or why not replace your breakfast OJ with pomegranate juice (also shown in studies to raise testosterone)?

10. Nuts (especially almonds and walnuts)

Magnesium A mineral that blocks protein from binding with testosterone, leaving more free in your system
Healthy fats (when eaten in moderation) Aiding hormone production and balancing cholesterol levels
Protein Too little protein in your diet results in the production of a substance that binds to testosterone, reducing levels
Selenium A mineral that acts as an antioxidant thought to aid testosterone production

Peanuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts, pecans, and more—the list goes on and on—all bring valuable nutrients, vitamins, proteins, and fiber to your diet when eaten in moderation. However, they're quite calorific in larger quantities, so keep a close eye on portion control.

How to add more nuts to your diet

Add them to breakfasts, yogurt, salads, soups, pasta, pancakes, waffles, and muffins. Nuts make a great snack or a healthy addition to steamed vegetables.

11. Ginger

Ginger extract Considered to increase testosterone production
Vitamin C Aids the immune system and general health

Used for centuries in cooking and the medical industry, ginger isn't just good for reproductive health; it's also thought to increase blood flow and reduce blood pressure. In animal trials, it's also been shown to aid testosterone development.

How to add more ginger to your diet

While ginger is predominantly recognized in sweets and sugary treats, it's also used in many oriental dishes. It can also be added to smoothies, breakfasts, and coffee or tea; if you haven't tried ginger tea to warm you on cold winter mornings or calm an upset stomach, you should add that to your list, too.

Foods that May Reduce Testosterone Levels

We are what we eat, and just as beneficial as our healthy diet additions are, we must also be aware of the foods that decrease testosterone levels.

Illustration of the Foods that May Reduce Testosterone Levels

Soy products (like tofu and soy milk)

Soy contains phytoestrogens, which, being similar to estrogen, have been thought to affect testosterone in the same way. However, the jury is still out on the effect, as other studies have reported that neither soy nor phytoestrogens impacted testosterone levels.

Processed foods (high in trans fats)

Processed and fatty foods are bad for all kinds of health issues. Trans fats significantly reduce testosterone levels, clog arteries, cause inflammation, and impact the cardiovascular system—essential to blood flow, erection quality, and sexual function. Low-fat diets have been shown to combat testosterone deficiency.

Mint (spearmint and peppermint)

Despite having good qualities, such as anti-inflammatory and digestion aids, the menthol in some peppermint and spearmint, as shown in animal studies, can lower testosterone levels.

Licorice root

While licorice contains Glycyrrhizic acid, which neutralizes enzymes that boost testosterone production and has been shown to affect both male and female reproductive systems, it's not something many people eat in large quantities. If you do, however, it might be time to start cutting back.

Flaxseeds (high in lignans)

While studies into flaxseed supplements have been shown to reduce fat, they have also been shown to lower testosterone levels.

Alcohol (especially in excess)

Studies have shown that it doesn't take much alcohol to affect testosterone levels, so reducing how much and how often you drink is an essential healthy move.

Sugary foods and drinks

We shouldn't have to tell anyone how much sugar impacts our diet and general health. So, it won't surprise you that those who have a high-sugar diet also show low testosterone levels.

Vegetable oils high in polyunsaturated fats (like canola and corn oil)

While polyunsaturated fats can be a healthy source of the fats we need, high amounts have been shown to decrease testosterone production.

Processed dairy products

While some dairy products contain essential nutrients that aid testosterone—protein and vitamin D, for example—cow's milk contains quantities of estrogen and progesterone, which suppress some of the hormones that help to produce testosterone.

Bread and pastries (high in refined carbohydrates)

Loaded with trans-unsaturated fats and sugar, bread, pastries, and desserts are another risk food for testosterone deficiency. Too much gluten results in high levels of prolactin, which impacts hormone health.

I Already Have Low Testosterone, What Can I Do?

While adding the right foods to your diet and reducing your intake of problematic foods will aid testosterone health, making a few other long-term lifestyle changes is equally important. Good diet, exercise, and quality sleep are the key factors for maintaining our best physical and mental health; as far as testosterone levels and hormone health go, these golden rules always apply.

Add some exercise Regular exercise offers many benefits, but high-intensity interval training (and strength and resistance training) can temporarily boost testosterone levels, and endurance training triggers 'feel good' endorphins that lower cortisol levels.
Maintain a healthy weight

Weight gain and being overweight have been linked to low testosterone levels in men.

If you're overweight, engaging in diet and exercise can help put you in control of better long-term health.

Quit smoking Smoking isn't much good for anything, and certainly not for sexual function and healthy hormone levels. Quit. Today.
Get adequate rest Quality sleep is how our bodies heal and recharge our energy levels. Going to bed a little earlier and having a healthy sleep routine can help lower testosterone levels.
Manage stress Low-quality sleep and stress increase the production of cortisol (the main stress hormone). If you're under stress at home or work, it's time to reduce its effects and find a way to combat the problem.
Consider nutritional supplements

A varied, healthy diet should contain all the necessary nutrients to maintain good health. However, for anyone lacking in a particular vitamin or nutrient, plenty of options are available online or at your local health store.

However, it's always worth checking with your doctor or healthcare provider to ensure you really need them.

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A note on 'testosterone boosters' supplements

While nutrient and vitamin supplements are a great way to introduce the elements we're missing, we're on the fence regarding supplements labeled as 'testosterone boosters.' While some have been shown to help (to some extent), many are more likely designed to separate you from your money and could even cause more harm than good.

If you're concerned about low testosterone levels, we recommend discussing them with your doctor as a first point of action.

They can advise you on the best practices for your unique situation and determine whether any supplemental testosterone treatment is necessary.


Ensuring your diet is rich in foods that help to increase testosterone and support hormone production is a great first step to better sexual health and performance. While a good diet and maintaining a healthy body weight are vital, there are other factors we should include as part of a long-term plan to improve testosterone levels: physical activity, getting enough sleep, and lowering stress will all help.

Discover how hormonal health impacts men's well-being, including natural ways to support testosterone


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