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The Best Foods For Your Penis

6 min read
The Best Foods For Your Penis

You may not be conscious of it, but your diet is something that you indulge in daily and that can have a considerable impact on your health. If you ‘eat well’ you may put yourself at a reduced risk of developing health conditions such as strokes or cardiovascular disease.

Given that the food we use to fuel our body affects how it functions, something that rarely gets talked about is the impact of our diet on our penile health.

As with our other organs, our penile function may be affected by health complications.

This raises the question, how does the food that we eat affect the health of a person's penis? This article takes a look at the existing research to examine how certain food groups may affect our penile function and which foods may be favorable.

The Best Foods For Your Penis: TL;DR

  • Foods rich in flavonoids, such as fruits and vegetables, may be linked to a reduced risk of developing erectile dysfunction.
  • Following a Mediterranean diet, which includes plant-based foods, fish, poultry, and limited dairy, may improve sexual dysfunctions.
  • Adequate dietary fat intake is important for testosterone production, which can impact libido. However, high-fat diets should be approached with caution due to associated health risks.
  • Foods containing magnesium, such as nuts and seeds, may have a positive impact on male sex hormones.
  • Adverse dietary habits, such as alcohol dependence and obesity, can negatively affect penile function and increase the risk of sexual dysfunctions like erectile dysfunction.


Foods rich in Flavonoids

Flavonoids are a natural substance derived from plants and are found in a number of fruits and vegetables. They are well known for their health benefits and are used across medicinal, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical fields.

How foods rich in flavonoids may help your penis

There may be a link between an increased flavonoid intake and a reduction in the likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction (ED). ED can lead to men being unable to maintain an erection for long enough to enjoy sex.

A research study that consisted of 25,096 men explored the impact of flavonoid intake and the occurrence of erectile dysfunction. The study found that a higher flavonoid intake was associated with a significantly reduced risk (between 11% and 16%) of ED in men under 70 years old.

Some examples of foods rich in flavonoids are as follows:

foods rich in flavonoids

Foods within the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is heavily based on plants but also includes fish, poultry and a limited amount of dairy. It originated from simpler times when global trade was less accessible and people ate the food that was available to them based on their location.

How foods within the Mediterranean may help your penis

A Mediterranean diet may help individuals to improve their chances of recovering from sexual dysfunctions. For example, one study explored the relationship between sexual dysfunction, metabolic function, and the Mediterranean diet. It concluded that a third of men with obesity and ED can regain sexual activity after two years of introducing healthier behavior. Such behavior included incorporating a Mediterranean-style diet along with exercise.

Mediterranean recipes can be found here and examples of foods that are part of the Mediterranean Diet are as follows:

 Diagram of Examples of foods that are part of the Mediterranean Diet

Diets containing enough fat

Although the word fat may receive negative connotations in the context of food, with low-fat products being deemed ‘healthier’, dietary fat is an energy source that humans need. Without enough of it, individuals may experience weight loss or insufficient growth.

How foods containing fat may help your penis

Foods containing fat may help your penis by increasing the sex hormone testosterone. One study measured the impact of a low-fat diet vs a high-fat diet among 206 participants.

It concluded that low-fat diets may result in individuals having lower testosterone levels.

Testosterone is associated with having an impact on enhancing an individual's libido.

Note - the research does not indicate that you should introduce high-fat diets to address testosterone issues. High-fat diets have been linked with health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. If you are suspicious you have low testosterone you should consult a doctor for professional guidance.

Examples of foods containing high amounts of fat include:

 Diagram of Examples of foods containing high amounts of fat

Foods Containing Magnesium

Magnesium is a nutrient that has been identified for its importance in cellular and organ function, with deficiencies associated with cardiovascular, skeletal, and metabolic issues.

How foods containing Magnesium may help your penis

There’s some research that suggests there could be a link between magnesium and male sex hormones. Research has shown that athletes who receive magnesium supplementation in combination with intense exercise experienced higher testosterone levels compared to a placebo group. Recommendations for magnesium intake can be found here.

Examples of foods containing magnesium include:

Diagram of Foods containing Magnesium

Adverse dietary habits for penile health

Although research shows that certain foods may be linked to improved erectile function, it’s equally important to note the dietary habits that may damage it. We’ve highlighted some of these below.

Alcohol dependence

Although alcohol isn’t considered a food, it’s widely consumed and can account for a significant amount of calories when consumed in excess. Alcohol has been linked to a number of undesirable health risks such as increased risk of physical and mental diseases such as cancer or dementia.

Alcohol may also pose a risk to penile function.

One study noted that among 100 participants who had been admitted to deaddiction centers with alcohol dependence, 72% had sexual dysfunctions. Such dysfunctions included premature ejaculation, low libido, and erectile dysfunction. The study concluded that such dysfunctions are common in individuals with alcohol dependency.

Dietary habits leading to obesity

Obesity is when individuals accumulate excessive amounts of fat in their bodies to the point that it poses a risk to their health. This may cause disorders such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. One of the causes of obesity is the accessibility and excessive consumption of carbohydrates and high-sugar foods.

Obesity can have a detrimental effect on a person's penile function, as it’s identified as a lifestyle factor that can lead to the development of erectile dysfunction. The responsible mechanisms for obesity's impact on ED are said to consist of (but aren’t limited to) hormonal imbalances, resistance to insulin, psychological factors, and a lack of physical activity.

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Can your diet increase your chances of sexual dysfunction?

Yes, an individual's diet may put them at risk of developing sexual dysfunction. As we found in our previous research, one of the causes of obesity may be a diet with high-sugar and carbohydrate foods associated with the condition. Obesity is considered a lifestyle factor for the development of sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction.

Can some foods enlarge your penis?

No, there is no evidence to suggest that eating specific foods will increase the size of a person's penis.

Can some foods increase your libido?

No, there is no research that states that eating certain foods will increase libido.

Can some foods help you have stronger erections?

There’s no research explicitly stating that specific food groups give you firmer erections. However, some of the research suggests that by making dietary improvements there may be a reduction or recovery in incidents of sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction. This may inadvertently lead to an individual experiencing stronger erections as they’ve prevented or recovered from sexual dysfunction.

Can some foods reduce your chances of ED?

Yes, as the research from earlier in the article suggests, there have been links between certain food groups and a reduced chance of erectile dysfunction. Examples of these include studies that have found flavonoids reducing ED prevalence in men by up to 16%.


According to various research, certain food groups may have a positive impact on male sexual function. This may subsequently affect how the penis functions and therefore implies that some foods are “better” for your penis than others.

Some possible examples include foods within the Mediterranean diet and those rich in flavonoids.

It’s also important to consider that some dietary habits may have adverse effects on a person's penile function. Drinking alcohol in excess or nutritional habits leading to obesity may increase a person's chances of developing sexual dysfunction. If you believe that you have an abnormal penile function you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis and the best course of treatment. Although this article is intended to be informative it cannot be considered a substitute for medical advice.

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