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Does Testosterone Increase Penis Size?

9 min read
Does Testosterone Increase Penis Size?

Testosterone, along with a wide range of other functions, is the hormone responsible for most of what we associate with masculine features: body and facial hair, increased muscle mass, a deeper voice, and a high sex drive are all attributable to testosterone doing its job in your body as a man.

Another job done by testosterone is the growth and development of your penis and testicles before and during puberty. This means that many men, regardless of the actual size of their penis, wonder whether it would be possible to gain an inch or two of length by getting more testosterone.

As testosterone is known colloquially as the 'male' hormone (despite also being present and important in women), it's sometimes assumed that it can play a role in enlarging your penis, specifically by taking it as an adult.

While its ability to grow your penis isn't completely untrue, it's far from the full story, with penis size being determined by many more factors that aren't typically controllable past puberty. It's especially important to listen to the scientific evidence here too as so many companies try to sell you supplements like these - some with better intentions than others.

Another job done by testosterone is the growth and development of your penis and testicles before and during puberty. 

In this article, we'll cover the function of testosterone when taken as an adult, how testosterone relates to penis length, and what testosterone can do for your sexual health. Additionally, we'll talk about the other factors that have a significant impact on the size of your penis, both permanently and temporarily.

Does testosterone affect penis size? TL;DR

Here's an overview of testosterone's impact on penis size:

  • Testosterone supplements won't make your penis any bigger

  • Your penis length is finalized in puberty, with only temporary techniques like using a penis pump giving you a boost

  • Taking testosterone can help with symptoms of lowered testosterone levels, such as low libido and erectile dysfunction

  • There are many factors aside from testosterone that play a role in the length of your penis - while genetics is the main contributor, some environmental factors prior to adulthood like maternal nutrition and exposure to certain chemicals can make an impact too

    Does testosterone affect penis size?

    It depends, but the short answer is: no, you can't take testosterone and expect your dick to suddenly start expanding. For the most part, after puberty, the size of your penis is set for life barring temporary changes from devices like penis pumps.

    Before we get into the impact of testosterone, let's establish average penis size more generally. A 2020 research review found that the average stretched penile length for men is between 5.1 and 5.5 inches when erect and around 3.6 inches soft, despite many men falsely assuming that the average erect length is much higher than this number. Testosterone doesn't work as a quick and easy solution to this insecurity - when taken in adulthood by cisgender men, testosterone doesn't have an impact on penis size and doesn't lead to any noticeable growth.

    It depends, but the short answer is: no, you can't take testosterone and expect your dick to suddenly start expanding.

    Although testosterone leads to penis growth at various points in your early life, such as when you're in the womb, during a 'mini-puberty' as a newborn, and in adolescence, it can't grow your penis any further after these periods of sexual development have ended. Similarly, taking human growth hormone won't lead to an increase in the length of your penis - or the size of any other part of your body - if your levels of this hormone are already normal.


    What can testosterone do for men when taken?

    Testosterone supplements have a variety of effects on your sexual health and can help you achieve erections and improve your libido, but they only make a difference if you already have a low amount to begin with.

    Testosterone should only be taken when prescribed by a doctor for a specific medical reason - it shouldn't just be taken as a supplement. While testosterone levels naturally drop over time as you age - though not to the same sudden extent as a woman's estrogen levels following menopause - it's typically only certain medical conditions that require testosterone therapy.

    Testosterone should only be taken when prescribed by a doctor for a specific medical reason - it shouldn't just be taken as a supplement. 

    This includes diseases or injuries relating to the testes or the pituitary and hypothalamus glands that result in a significantly lowered production of testosterone. In this case, it is typically used in the treatment of sexual health issues like low libido that result from a testosterone deficit, or to kickstart sexual development in teenagers or people who haven't gone through puberty yet due to hormonal issues.

    When taken by people with normal hormone levels, testosterone supplements aren't usually beneficial and may even carry some health risks. In a study performed of athletes who were taking testosterone to promote muscle mass increase, it was concluded that there may still be some medical risks that we're currently unaware of, as taking testosterone remains a relatively recent phenomenon.

    Does testosterone make you harder?

    If you're already achieving erections without issue and have regular testosterone levels, it's unlikely to make you any harder.

    As we said earlier, while taking testosterone can work wonders for men with a deficit of the hormone, people who are already producing a normal amount of testosterone are unlikely to see significant benefits. When it comes to getting hard, the same idea holds true: for men with hypogonadism, in which a lack of testosterone is produced, testosterone therapy is essential to achieve an erection.

    Additionally, if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, it's important to investigate the underlying reasons before you attempt any band-aid solutions.

    ED can have a wide variety of causes behind it, from aging to certain cancers, and if you're consistently having problems getting hard, it's best to speak to your doctor. Even in the case of low testosterone levels causing your ED, it's likely that your doctor will want to address why your testosterone production has lowered or stopped before simply giving you supplements.

    Is it safe to take testosterone?

    When prescribed by a doctor, testosterone is safe to take, with testosterone replacement therapy being used as a later option in the treatment of low testosterone levels. Though it won't cause your penis to grow any larger, TRT can be used to treat sexual health-related symptoms associated with a deficit of testosterone such as low libido, low sexual satisfaction, and erectile dysfunction.

    Additionally, testosterone is used in the treatment of hypogonadism in people assigned male at birth (AMAB), a condition where the body doesn't produce any sex hormones. This treatment, when started in infancy, can result in a penis size comparable to that of the average, but

    How are penis and testosterone levels related?

    Testosterone is often thought of as the 'male hormone', but what does that actually mean? Well, testosterone is the driving force for most of the changes associated with male maturity during puberty, from growing underarm hair to increasing muscle mass and, yes, penis size.

    What affects penis size?

    While male sex hormones like testosterone certainly play a role in the development of your sex organs, penis size is actually dependent on a broad range of factors, most of which aren't alterable after you've already grown into adulthood.

    There are also a few techniques to alter your penis length - both permanent and temporary - that you can choose to make after the fact, though they tend to be either shorter term or much more complicated than simply taking a hormone.

    What Affects Penis Size

    1. Genetics

    Like the appearance and size of other parts of your body, most of what determines the size of your penis comes from your genetics - so getting the length or girth that you want is really the luck of the draw! Specifically, it's thought that the AR (androgen receptor) gene, located on the X chromosome, might impact the size of your penis.

    Like the appearance and size of other parts of your body, most of what determines the size of your penis comes from your genetics.

    This is also likely to be the reason behind the variation in average penis length between different ethnic groups, with some countries averaging as low as 3 inches erect and others as high as 7. Of course, this is a number taken from large population samples and doesn't mean much to individual men, so don't feel too concerned if you come from a place with a lower average size!

    2. Hormones

    As we discussed earlier, testosterone plays a role in penile growth - but only up to the point where you've finished going through puberty. Once you've reached the end of adolescence and finished experiencing all the changes it entails, taking testosterone won't lead to any more penis growth.

    Testosterone plays a role in penile growth - but only up to the point where you've finished going through puberty.

    However, prior to reaching physical maturity, the amount of testosterone you have impacts not only penis size, but testicular growth, muscle mass increase, sperm production, and body hair growth. This is the reason why if a newborn baby is diagnosed as having a micropenis, it can be treated with topical testosterone or injected testosterone therapy in its first few weeks of life.

    3. Nutrition

    Eating a balanced diet can have many sexual health benefits, but it won't suddenly make your penis grow inches longer as an adult. But what your mother's diet consisted of while you were in the womb could potentially have had an impact on your current size.

    Studies performed using animals have revealed a correlation between malnutrition and smaller penis size, and while this is far from the main factor in penile length, it's an area that could possibly make some difference.

    Curious about ways to enhance your sexual health and vitality?

    4. Environmental factors

    In a similar way to the nutrition you receive before you're born, some environmental factors that your mother was exposed to prior to your birth can have an impact on your penis size.

    For instance, one particular study found that women exposed to a certain industrial chemical had male babies with penises that were notably smaller in both length and girth than average. Once again though, after you've been born, environmental factors aren't typically correlated with the adult length of your penis.

    5. Body size

    In the same way as your head, arms, and legs, your penis is generally proportional to the size of the rest of your body with some variation. It's been a long-running joke amongst men for decades that big feet equal a big dick.

    Research has shown that both height and shoe size are statistically related to stretched penis length - however, this isn't a guarantee, just a broad correlation, so don't worry if you're shoe shopping in the kids' section!

    6. FTM Surgeries

    If you are AFAB (assigned female at birth) and transgender, you may have undergone (or be planning to undergo) surgery in order to construct a penis. This is done in one of two ways, the first being metoidioplasty, which creates a penis from existing genital tissue that has grown as a result of increased testosterone intake. The second is phalloplasty, which uses a skin graft typically from a patient's arm in order to construct a larger penis.

    There are other benefits and drawbacks to consider for each option, so don't decide based solely on size!

    Therefore, if you're opting for the latter surgery, you'll almost certainly have a larger penis than if you choose metoidioplasty. However, there are other benefits and drawbacks to consider for each option, so don't decide based solely on size!

    7. Penis pumps

    As well as being useful for people who suffer from erectile dysfunction, penis pumps can temporarily increase the size of your member and are therefore popular amongst many men when it comes to all kinds of sexual encounters.

    While they won't leave you walking around all day with an oversized penis hidden in your pants, they'll give you some penis enlargement for a brief period that can help you feel more confident in the bedroom. There's a wide range of penis pumps out there, including some that are more beginner friendly, so you don't need to feel intimidated by a complicated device.

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    Testosterone absolutely plays a role in penis size while you're going through periods of development, but once you're past puberty, taking testosterone won't increase the size of your penis. However, in adult men with certain health conditions such as hypogonadism, testosterone replacement therapy can be an effective method of treating symptoms like low libido or erectile dysfunction - though it tends to be used as a last resort option.

    Testosterone absolutely plays a role in penis size while you're going through periods of development, but once you're past puberty, taking testosterone won't increase the size of your penis.

    If you aren't satisfied with the size of your penis, it's worth bearing in mind that the average penile length is likely lower than you think, and that you aren't alone in your insecurity, with the majority of adult men having some concerns about their penis. When it comes to sex, there is also the option of some temporary fixes to help increase your size for a short time, such as penis pumps that can also assist you in gaining and maintaining an erection.

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