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Do Penile Traction Devices Work? (Medical Evidence Explained)

7 min read
Do Penile Traction Devices Work? (Medical Evidence Explained)

Medical studies into the use of penile traction devices have shown very positive results. Gains of 1.8 - 2.4cm are consistently shown for men hoping to increase their length, and reductions in curvature of between 33-35% are evidenced for people who have Peyronie's disease.

While the figures around traction therapy look promising - it can be hard to fully understand everything included in medical studies. So, to help you decide if penile traction therapy will deliver the results you're hoping for - we've explored the best studies published and presented their findings in plain English.

Here, we'll answer two main questions:

1. Can traction therapy add to your penis length?

2. And, can a penile traction device help with Peyronie's disease (a bent or curved penis)?

We'll also take a look at the kinds of studies you can trust, as well as what to look for in a traction device if you plan to use one at home.

Key Takeaways:

Effective for Length Increase Penile traction therapy can achieve similar length gains as invasive surgery, with studies showing average increases of 1.8 cm to 2.4 cm.
Safe and Non-Invasive Traction therapy is a safe, non-surgical option with minimal side effects, offering a significant alternative to surgical interventions.
Improves Peyronie’s Disease Traction devices have been proven to reduce penile curvature by 33-35%, providing relief from symptoms of Peyronie’s disease.
High Success Probability Literature reviews indicate a 96% probability that traction devices effectively improve penile length and curvature.

Can Penis Traction Devices Add Size? The Evidence

We examined three of the most high-profile studies and reviews to determine whether penile traction therapy offered size benefits.

Study 1: "Non-invasive methods of penile lengthening: fact or fiction?"

This 2010 study was a "review" - a deep dive into numerous different studies that had previously been carried out into penis lengthening methods. Carried out by an Associate Urology Professor and a Urology Doctor, the review compared five evidence-based surgical studies involving a total of 121 men with six evidence-based non-surgical studies covering 109 men (the majority of which used penile traction devices).

Results: The men who underwent invasive surgery experienced average flaccid (soft) size increases of between 1.3cm and 2.5cm. The men who used non-invasive traction therapy experienced average flaccid increases of 1.8 cm, with some adding 2.4 cm.

Speaking to about the study, Professor Gontero explained:

"...our review suggests that penile extenders represent an effective and durable method of penile lengthening, capable of elongating the penis by an average of 1.8cm with minimal side effects." and that "Based on current evidence, we suggest that penile extenders, not surgery, should be the first-line treatment for men seeking a penile lengthening procedure."

Key Takeaway: Penile traction therapy results in very similar penile length gains as invasive surgery - but with far fewer risks and possible complications.

Study 2: "The 'efficacy' and tolerability of a penile-extender device in the treatment of 'short penis'"

In this 2009 study, penile stretching using a traction device was looked at specifically. A group of 21 men with an average age of 47 were enrolled to use a penis extender routine every day for six months. The men in the study were required to use the device for between 4-5 hours each day with increasing tension put on the device as the study progressed.

Results: The men's average flaccid length was 7.15cm at the beginning of the study. To ensure results were lasting, a further measurement was taken six months after the end of the study, with an average 32% size increase recorded - meaning length had increased from an average of 7.15cm to 9.45cm.

One of the men who didn't finish the study failed to do so because he was happy with the results after month three.

Again, speaking to ScienceDaily, the doctor involved in the study said, "Our study showed that the penile extender device produces an effective and durable lengthening of the penis, both in the flaccid and stretched state.”

Key Takeaway:
The study dedicated to penile traction therapy showed that men experience an average of a 32% increase in size - an average of 2.3cm.

Study 3: "Outcomes of Penile Traction Therapy"

This 2020 study focused on the use of one specific traction device worn by 110 men for an average of 30 minutes daily.

While the study focused on men with penile curvature, the most significant improvements were noted around increased length.

Results: In terms of length gains, the study showed that 95% of men taking part demonstrated 2.0-2.3cm gains over three months, with results confirmed again after six months.

In conclusion, the authors of the study reported that penile traction therapy with the device for 30 to 90 minutes per day was safe and resulted in significant improvements in penile curvature and length in men with Peyronie’s disease (penile deformity), and in erectile function in men with erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease with no significant adverse effects.

Key Takeaway: Penile traction therapy is considered safe and may offer gains of up to 2.3cm even when used for short sessions over three months.

Overall Findings: Can Penis Traction Devices Add Size?

Based on these leading studies, penile traction therapy appears to offer notable size increases with minimal side effects. What's more, traction devices appear to offer results that are as effective as those achieved through surgery, with average increases of 1.8 cm to 2.4 cm.

Do Penis Traction Devices Work for Peyronie’s Disease? The Evidence

Penis traction devices aren't just for use by people looking for additional length - they are often also recommended for people with Peyronie's disease - a condition that leads to a significant curve of the penis.


Men with Peyronie's disease often complain of pain, especially with an erect penis - which can sometimes lead to erectile dysfunction and other sexual performance issues. While some men with Peyronie's seek penile prosthesis surgery or penile augmentation surgery, there's a body of evidence that suggests traction could offer an effective nonsurgical treatment option.

We looked at three of the most significant studies in this area.

Study 1: Outcomes of a Novel Penile Traction Device in Men with Peyronie's Disease

In this 2019 study, 110 men with Peyronie's disease were studied and separated into groups - with one group assigned to use a traction device for 30-90 minutes per day.

To take part in the study, the men were required to have penile curvature of at least 30 degrees.

Results: After 3 months, the results showed that men using the traction device had significant improvements compared to the control group - with penile curvature reduced by an average of -11.7 degrees.

The study showed that using a traction device for Peyronie's disease is safe - with only mild, tolerable side effects. 94% of men using the device also reported average length increases of 1.5cm.

Key Takeaway:
Not only is the use of a traction device safe for dealing with Peyronie's, but penile curvature decreased by around 35% across the study.

Study 2: The effect of penile traction device in men with Peyronie's disease (a systematic review)

This 2023 study is another literature review - exploring a range of different studies and their outcomes. In this case, Five studies from 2014 to 2021 were reviewed - involving 419 patients across 6-7 months of treatment and follow-up.

Results: As a review, this study doesn't discuss degrees of improvement - but instead simply looks at whether or not traction therapy is considered beneficial, both by researchers and the various study participants. Across the board, traction was deemed to be successful - and it was decided that there was over a 96% probability that traction devices were responsible for these improvements.

Key Takeaway: Traction devices are proven to be a significant factor in improving the curve that results from Peyronie's disease.

Study 3: Penile traction therapy for the treatment of Peyronie's disease

In 2008, Laurence A Levine carried out one of the first significant studies into traction therapy for Peyronie's disease. Almost all (90%) of the men involved had previously failed with other methods of straightening their penises - so underwent traction for between 2-8 hours per day for 6 months.

Results: Post-therapy measuring showed reduced curvature for all men involved - with decreases in curves between 10-45% - with an average reduction of 33%. What's more, enhanced girth was evidenced in men for whom Peyronie's had caused indentation or narrowing.

Key Takeaway: An average reduction in the curve of 33% can be consistently evidenced for men with Peyronie's disease - along with enhanced girth in some cases.

Overall Findings: Do Penis Traction Devices Work For Peyronie’s Disease?

The evidence from these studies suggests that yes, traction therapy works as a nonsurgical treatment for men with Peyronie's disease. Average reductions in curvature of between 33-35% are demonstrated - with another 96% chance that traction devices are responsible for these improvements.

Why Did We Choose These Studies?

We explored hundreds of different studies on the use of traction devices while creating this article - and chose the ones that we felt were the most reliable. We decided to only use reviews that met the following standards:

  • Were peer-reviewed and published in leading journals
  • We're not sponsored by or funded by any traction device maker
  • Were carried out with large groups of participants
  • Were overseen by or carried out by leading medical professionals

Important Note: Using An Effective Traction Device Matters

Whether you're researching penile traction devices with a view to increasing your length or improving the symptoms of Peyronie's disease, the results from the studies we've explored are likely to be exciting - but we'd urge you to exercise some caution when choosing a device for your own use.

Like any product, not all traction devices are designed and manufactured to the same standard.

Even some devices that look similar might be created to different tolerances - which could affect the amount of pressure they can apply to the penis and therefore how effective they will be.

We recommend:

  • Looking for a device from a trusted manufacturer that has positive user reviews across its full range of products.

  • Choosing a device from a reputable US-based retailer rather than one from a region that might not share such high product standards.

  • Finding a device from a company with a detailed understanding of men's sexual health and the unique requirements of a traction device.


Multiple high-quality studies show that penis traction devices work - both for increasing the penis length and reducing the curve that often comes as a symptom of Peyronie's disease.

For men looking to increase their size, average increases of 1.8-2.4cm are proven.

For men hoping to reduce curvature, improvements of between 33-35% are demonstrated.

While these studies are very promising, it's essential that men hoping to recreate similar results do so in a similarly systematic way - making sure to use a traction routine that's proven to work with a device that's created by a knowledgeable and trustworthy manufacturer.

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  • We have a human-centered approach both for our product design and information on the site.
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