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How to Decrease Your Penis Tip Sensitivity Naturally

9 min read
How to Decrease Your Penis Tip Sensitivity Naturally Featured Image

Your penis tip is supposed to be sensitive - it's one of the most sensitive parts of the penis. Sometimes, though, the tip of the penis - or glans - can become overly sensitive, resulting in symptoms including early ejaculation as well as pain and discomfort.

While there are numerous causes of penile sensitivity (including injuries and psychological factors), there are also a number of treatment options regardless of the cause. In this article, we've listed some of the causes and symptoms of penis sensitivity - and we've included some of our favorite tips for decreasing penis sensitivity that you can try out at home.

Sometimes penis sensitivity can only be treated by a healthcare professional, which is why we've also gone over when you should consider speaking to a doctor about the issue. Though it's a tricky subject, penis sensitivity can almost always be effectively treated - but you need to know the facts to have the best chance at recovery.

At a Glance:

  • Penis tip sensitivity can result in discomfort, pain, and premature ejaculation.
  • Common causes include trauma, psychological factors, and health conditions like balanitis or UTIs.
  • Desensitizing techniques include stamina training, using thicker condoms, and natural numbing products.
  • Symptoms often include pain during sex, feelings of rawness, and discomfort from clothing.
  • Consult a doctor if sensitivity causes significant distress or pain that home treatments can’t resolve.

What Can Cause a Sensitive Penis Tip?

Penile injuries and trauma, psychological factors, and mental health conditions, as well as physical health conditions and diseases, can all play a part in increasing the sensitivity of the glans. Sometimes these causes can combine, making the problem more difficult to correct - health conditions can lead to stress and anxiety, for example.

Here are some of the most common causes of increased penis sensitivity:

1. Trauma to the penis

Penile trauma, regardless of where it comes from (injuries, surgeries, etc.) can result in damage to the nerves or tissues of the penis. This can result in the penis becoming too sensitive - or even less sensitive in certain cases.

Sensitivity issues associated with penile trauma are often temporary, but can sometimes be permanent depending on the severity of the damage.

You would generally have to experience quite significant nerve or tissue damage to be unable to recover fully.

In any case, it will most likely still take some time - and probably some effort - to get back to where you once were.

2. Psychological factors

Psychological factors such as stress and anxiety, and mental health conditions such as depression can all affect your sexual health and function, causing your penis to become overly sensitive. Depression, anxiety, relationship troubles, and early sexual experiences or abuse can all contribute to premature ejaculation, one of the main signs of a hypersensitive penis.

You don't need to be diagnosed with a specific condition for psychological factors to affect your penis either. Performance anxiety is thought to affect 9 - 25% of men and can contribute to a cycle forming in which you worry about your performance, which then causes premature ejaculation, which then contributes to further worrying, and so on.

3. Health conditions

Various penile health conditions can increase the sensitivity of your glans. Balanitis, where the penis head becomes inflamed, can cause pain and increased sensitivity. Phimosis, where the foreskin is too tight to be pulled fully back over the glans, can also result in a hypersensitive penis tip. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are another cause of penile pain and sensitivity.

Some of these can clear up on their own with a little time and some improved penis hygiene; cleaning under your foreskin is vital for preventing the buildup of smegma, which can lead to a thriving population of bacteria, resulting in inflammation or infection. Conditions that don't go away by themselves can usually be managed and cured with the help of a medical professional.

How Can You Desensitize Your Penis?

Unless your penis sensitivity is being caused by a specific health condition such as balanitis, there are numerous non-medical things you can do to help make it a little less sensitive. Some are in-the-moment solutions without lasting effects, and some work to reduce sensitivity over time.

Here's an overview of some of our favorite techniques:

1. Engage in stamina training

Stamina training is great as it's very simple, you can do it all by yourself, and it doesn't require the use of any chemical agents that may not agree with your skin. Often, it's quite fun as well.

All you'll need is a stamina-training sex toy and a lot of water-based lube.

Some toys are designed for this purpose, but other toys can work too - the main thing is that your toy needs to be extremely stimulating.

The idea of stamina training is that by frequently using an overstimulating sex toy, your penis will eventually get more and more used to the stimulation, faster than it would take through having sex normally. Once you go back to sex with a partner or a regular sex toy, you should, in theory, have much more of a resistance to the somewhat lighter stimulation.

Looking at reviews from stamina-training toys does indeed suggest that the technique does work, but results can vary from person to person. You'll need to be consistent, using the toy a couple of times a week.

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2. Use thicker condoms

Many companies offer thicker versions of their condoms designed to prolong sex and help with premature ejaculation. Even regular condoms can help here, but if your penis is particularly sensitive we'd suggest opting for those specifically labeled as being thick or extra safe.

Condoms temporarily reduce penis sensitivity as they act as a barrier between your penis and whatever is providing stimulation, whether that's a partner or a sex toy.

The thicker the barrier, the less sensitive you'll be to stimulation.

Some men find that sex feels less pleasurable when using condoms - especially extra thick condoms - but that's generally a personal preference. We'd say that the reduced sensitivity, and the increased safety, is worth it for most guys with a sensitive head of the penis.

3. Use natural numbing products

Numbing lubes, sprays, or wipes are a popular choice - these are products that contain an active numbing agent (usually benzocaine or lidocaine) that chemically reduces the sensitivity of the penis to delay ejaculation.

While you will see results with medicinal numbing agents, we recommend using products with more natural ingredients whenever you can, as they are often safer for those with sensitive skin. They also come with less of a risk of numbing the nerve endings too much.

Some naturally occurring ingredients often used for numbing products are aloe vera, clove, and peppermint.

If your skin is sensitive - or you just prefer to go natural - we'd recommend products that use these ingredients as opposed to anesthetic medications. They'll be a little gentler in their numbing, but you can always apply more as and when you need.

Always check the label to ensure that whatever products you're using are safe for your body, especially if you have more specific needs than most people. Allergies and other sensitivities should always be considered.

What are Some Symptoms of a Sensitive Penis Tip?

The main symptoms of increased penis sensitivity are an impact on sexual function - which usually manifests as early ejaculation - and sensations of discomfort, pain, and soreness during both sex and your day-to-day life.

Knowing what symptoms to look out for can help you address any issues as early as possible.

1. Ejaculating too soon

A 2017 study found a correlation between premature ejaculation, and penis sensitivity. Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual dysfunction in males, occurring in almost 1/3 of the male population. However, medical or definite premature ejaculation is generally only considered to be present in men who always ejaculate within one minute of entering a vagina.

Regardless of whether you have PE or are simply ejaculating earlier than you'd personally like, ejaculating too soon is a telltale sign of a sensitive penis tip. We'd say that any time within a couple of minutes - particularly if you usually last a fair bit longer than that - may be a sign of increased penis sensitivity.

2. Pain or discomfort during sexual activity

Pain or discomfort can be a consequence of sex without adequate preparation or consideration - by which we mean not using enough lube, going too aggressively too soon, etc. However, consistent pain or discomfort in the penis tip during sex can be a warning sign, especially if you haven't made any changes to your usual routine.

If you're experiencing pain or discomfort during sex, your penis may be irritated or inflamed, both of which can make it overly sensitive to the touch. During sex, your penis will be experiencing friction, which can make irritation or inflammation worse and contribute to pain. Even if your penis is hypersensitive for other reasons, this can still manifest as pain during sex, so don't ignore it.

3. A sensation of rawness or soreness

Unwanted, uncomfortable sensations due to penis hypersensitivity aren't limited to occurring during sex. Movements involved in daily life can contribute to friction on your penis tip, and depending on what's causing the sensitivity, you may feel discomfort without friction being involved.

A sensation of rawness or soreness is always a sign that something is wrong, especially if you can feel it without anything touching your penis.

Often, it's a sign of irritation or inflammation - which can be caused by medical conditions and infections.

Don't disregard friction though; an overly sensitive penis can feel raw and sore due to friction burns, where the outer layer of skin is rubbed off. These burns can last for a while and feel painful even when not being touched.

4. Discomfort because of clothing

Another main cause of friction against the penis is your clothing. At all times, your penis is being rubbed against your underwear as you go about your day - even this can be too much friction for a sensitive penis.

This is especially true if you're circumcised, as your clothes can rub directly against your exposed penis tip.

If you're experiencing penile discomfort and you feel your clothing might be partially to blame, one of the best things you can do is to simply wear different clothes. Avoid underwear and pants that are too tight as tight clothes are worn closer to the body, posing more of a risk of rubbing against your penis and causing soreness.

When to Talk to Your Doctor

We would recommend talking to your doctor about penis sensitivity if you personally feel that your penis is too sensitive - especially if it's having a negative impact on your life. It doesn't matter how exactly it's impacting your life - whether it's causing mild stress and anxiety or some serious pain, all negative impacts should be addressed.

The advice in this article (and elsewhere online) should give you results with enough time, but there are some cases where you will need further help.

Health conditions, whether mental or physical, sometimes progress to the point where medical intervention is needed. In these cases, you may need to speak to a healthcare provider.

10 Tips for speaking to a doctor about your sensitive penis

  1. Plan ahead - before you see them, think about exactly what you're going to say.

  2. Be clear and specific about the sensitivity you're experiencing.

  3. Be honest - don't try to downplay your issues.

  4. Don't leave any information out, even if you're not sure it's entirely relevant.

  5. If you think you know the cause of the sensitivity (or any contributing
    factors), let them know your thoughts.

  6. Don't hold back - if you need to talk about sex, you should talk about sex.

  7. If you've tried techniques to help decrease your sensitivity, let them know - whether they've been successful or unsuccessful.

  8. If you're unsure about anything your doctor says or recommends, ask for clarification and voice your concerns.

  9. If you can, choose a doctor that you'll be the most comfortable with.

  10. Bring your partner if that makes you more comfortable - they should be able to sit with you

    Talking to a doctor about issues relating to your genitals can be daunting, but the benefits far outweigh the slight embarrassment. Most doctors have seen all of this stuff before - and they all know how to make the situation less uncomfortable for you.

    Doctors and nurses are there to help, so it's important to make the most of that by not letting your nerves get in the way. Easier said than done, we know, but it'll save you from potential further stress and embarrassment - not to mention saving you from further pain and discomfort.

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    Examining Penile Sensitivity: Summary

    Penis tip sensitivity has a range of causes from stress and performance anxiety to diseases and serious injuries. Regardless of the cause, the symptoms of penile sensitivity are often similar - early ejaculation, and sensations of discomfort, pain, rawness, and soreness during sex and in daily life are the most common signs.

    Luckily, there are many ways to help decrease penile sensitivity, though these can vary depending on the cause.

    Natural numbing products and thicker condoms can be great in-the-moment solutions. In contrast, consistent stamina training is a method that can give fantastic results over a longer period.

    Penis sensitivity doesn't always need to be checked out by a healthcare professional, but if the advice here doesn't give you the results you were hoping for, it may be necessary. If you're experiencing consistent pain, discomfort, or reduced sexual function, we'd recommend taking your issues to a doctor. Most likely, you'll be able to decrease your penis sensitivity with the right treatment.

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