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Kegels for Men: How they can help with ED and Premature Ejaculation

10 min read
Kegels for Men: How they can help with ED and Premature Ejaculation

What if I told you there were exercises with the capability to power up your penis? After getting over being asked that question out of nowhere, I imagine you'd be quite interested. Well, it's true, they exist - and the exercises in question are known as Kegels.

Kegel exercises are nothing new - women have been strengthening their pelvic floor with them for a good while now - but they're becoming more and more popular with men due to the plethora of benefits they provide. Not only can Kegels be employed to help treat medical problems like incontinence as well as sexual health issues such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, but they can also make orgasms feel even more incredible.

Kegels are becoming more and more popular with men due to the plethora of benefits they provide.

So how are they performed? We'll get into that further in this article, as well as take a closer look at what Kegels actually are - we'll also go more into detail concerning those medical and sexual benefits we mentioned earlier. To top it off, we've compiled a few of the best methods of performing Kegels, along with a quick list of tips to ensure you stay safe while getting the results you're after.

TL;DR Summary:

  • Kegel exercises target the pelvic floor muscles and can benefit both men and women.
  • They can help with medical issues like incontinence and sexual health problems such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
  • Kegels strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder, urethra, and bowel, and play a role in bladder control and sexual function.
  • Benefits for men include reducing incontinence, improving erectile dysfunction, helping with premature ejaculation, and enhancing orgasm intensity.
  • It's important to perform Kegel exercises correctly, breathe properly, be consistent with the routine, and avoid overexertion to ensure effectiveness and safety.

    What are Kegel Exercises

    Kegels are exercises that target your pelvic floor muscles, and as such, they're sometimes referred to as pelvic floor muscle training exercises. The pelvic floor muscles support your urethra, bladder, and bowel, helping to hold these organs in place, as well as being useful for bladder control and even sexual function and performance.

    Kegels are exercises that target your pelvic floor muscles, and as such, they're sometimes referred to as pelvic floor muscle training exercises.

    There are actually three specific muscles that are involved in performing Kegel exercises:

    The Bulbocavernosus Muscle
    Also known as the bulbospongiosus - this muscle allows blood to be pushed into the penis as well as allowing semen to be ejaculated, and urine to be emptied from the urethra.
    The Pubococcygeus Muscle This one supports your organs, plays a role in helping urination and bowel movements, and contracts when you have an orgasm.
     The Iliococcygeus Muscle Which also supports your organs as well as helping move your anus back into the right location after a bowel movement.

    Regardless of your gender, Kegels can be beneficial, but we're focussing on men in this article. Historically though, Kegels were mainly seen as exercises for women. Nowadays they are recognized as being great for men too, as anyone can have issues with the pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to bowel problems and urinary leakage, among other troubles. Issues with these muscles can even lead to erection problems - another reason Kegels are useful exercises for those of us with penises!

    Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Men

    Pelvic floor muscles are generally strong in younger men, but aging, as well as conditions such as diabetes, and even certain surgeries (such as surgery to remove the prostate) can result in them becoming weaker. Weak pelvic muscles can lead to a whole host of issues, including incontinence as well as erection problems. This does mean however that strengthening those muscles with regular Kegel exercises can have numerous advantages. Here's a look at some of them!

    They reduce incontinence problems

    If your pelvic floor muscles become weak for whatever reason, you may begin to suffer from stress incontinence - this is when certain actions such as coughing and sneezing cause urine leakage. Urinary incontinence can also be caused by surgeries that weaken the urinary sphincter, such as surgical treatments for an overactive bladder or prostate cancer.

    Since Kegels are designed to strengthen these muscles, they can play a part in improving bladder control and reducing stress incontinence, particularly after a prostatectomy (prostate removal). This is also useful if you ever dribble a little urine a short while after using the toilet.

    Kegels can actually be used to treat urinary or fecal incontinence (or both), due to how the muscles they strengthen also support the rectum.

    Kegels can help with Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

    It's true - various studies have shown that Kegel exercises are quite an effective method of treating erectile dysfunction, due to how one of the muscles they strengthen is the bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle, and how it lets blood to be pumped into the penis. Strengthening the BC can lead to increased erection rigidity, particularly in mild cases of ED.

    Discover everything you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

    They have been shown to help with Premature Ejaculation

    Believe it or not, premature ejaculation (PE) is another sexual dysfunction that pelvic floor muscle exercises have been shown to play a role in treating as they increase ejaculation control. Like with erectile dysfunction, a consistent routine of Kegel exercises can be very effective with mild cases, but more severe cases may require additional treatment - Kegels can still be useful when paired with other treatments though!

    Kegels can improve orgasm intensity

    Here's a benefit that's sure to pique your interest even if you don't suffer from ED or PE - practicing Kegels can give your orgasms a pleasurable boost. The increased ejaculation control is key here, to the extent where doing a few Kegels at crucial moments during sexual intercourse (or any other sexual activity) can help you get back from the brink, avoiding an unwanted early climax. This delayed build-up means you can keep going for longer, and when you finally do go over the edge, it'll be stronger than ever!

    Best Kegel Exercises for Men

    When it comes to Kegels, there are actually a few different methods that you can try, all of which are effective ways of strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Alternating between the following exercises is a great way to add some variety to your routine so it doesn't become stale!

    Before we get into the exercises though, you need to be able to correctly identify the muscles of your pelvic floor - this is crucial to performing Kegels right. To do this, try to stop the flow of urine mid-pee, or squeeze your muscles as if you were trying to hold a bowel movement. Got it? Right then, let's get into the methods.

    The Back Squeeze

    1. Lie on the floor on your back, with your hands flat on the floor and your knees bent, pointing upwards
    2. Try to draw your penis in towards your body and hold it there for 5 seconds, then release
    3. Squeeze your anus muscles (remember, trying not to pass gas!) and hold for 5 seconds, then release

      The Side Squeeze

      1. Lie on the floor on your side
      2. Place a pillow between your legs - ensure the pillow is big enough so that your legs are spread apart
      3. Squeeze your legs together, hold for 5 seconds, then release

        The Chair Squeeze

        1. Sit in a chair in a comfortable position
        2. Squeeze your penis muscles (remember, trying to stop urine flow mid-pee!) and hold for 5 seconds, then release

          When practicing each of these exercises, make sure you do them in 3 to 5 sets, with 8 to 10 repetitions per set - feel free to increase these numbers once you start getting used to it, along with the number of seconds you hold the squeezes. By sticking to a consistent routine, eventually, you should be able to work up to sets of 15 and even 20 repetitions in which you hold the squeeze for as long as 10 seconds! If you're looking to achieve max results, it's important to perform Kegel exercises regularly and safely.

          How to do Kegels safely and effectively: 5 Tips

          Like with every form of exercise, safety is super important when performing Kegels. Since Kegel exercises require a consistent daily effort in order for you to reap the benefits, maintaining safe practices will ensure you get the best outcomes. In this section, we'll go over what you need to do to stay safe while also getting the most out of your Kegels routine!

          Start with the basics

          At the start of your Kegels journey, it can be beneficial to keep things simple before moving on to bigger and better exercise routines once you get the hang of things. Initially, you could even stick to the one method of performing Kegels that you find the simplest, in order to master it before introducing another method. Before even doing that though, you need to ensure you're working out the correct muscles - we mentioned this earlier, but it's worth reiterating.

          Engage the right muscles

          Locating and engaging the right muscles is essential to performing effective Kegels. The correct muscles can be located when you're peeing by stopping the flow of urine. They can also be found by squeezing your muscles in the same way you might try to hold a bowel movement. It's also important that you don't flex or tense any other muscles, such as your thighs, abs, or buttocks when performing Kegel exercises - just keep the rest of your body nice and relaxed.

          Don't forget to breathe

          Some people find themselves holding their breath whilst doing Kegel exercises - don't do this! Just relax and breathe as you usually would. This might take some practice - especially if you're holding your breath in order to focus on the right muscles - but it will get easier!

          Repeat at least 3 times a day

          As we keep mentioning, keeping up a consistent routine of pelvic floor exercises is the only way you're going to see the results you want! As such, repeating your Kegels exercise routine at least 3 times a day is a good way to start, and should set you up well. 3 to 5 sets (with 8 to 10 repetitions per set) is absolutely ideal, and don't be afraid to increase these numbers once you get good at them.

          Don't overdo it

          Under no circumstances should you over-exert yourself, or do Kegels to excess - this can end up doing more harm than good. Kegels are an exercise like any other, and like with all exercises, they shouldn't cause pain - if you experience any, you should contact a doctor or healthcare professional.

          Additionally, although stopping your stream of urine mid-flow is a handy way of learning how to do Kegels, don't make a habit of doing this, as it can lead to medical complications if done too much. Finally, don't attempt to perform Kegels if you have a urinary catheter.

          Risks Associated with Kegels

          Though there are plenty of awesome benefits to regularly performing Kegel exercises, there are a couple of risks you need to be aware of. The main risks come from doing Kegels incorrectly, or simply by doing them too much!

          Stop if you feel pain

          If at any point during your Kegels routine you begin to feel pain in areas such as your abdomen, back, buttocks, or thighs, it's likely you're performing them incorrectly. Take special care to ensure you're targeting the right muscles, always remember to breathe, and keep all your other muscles loose and relaxed.

          Get some rest in between your sessions

          Excessively performing Kegel exercises is also bad for you, as the muscles they target can become tired. Overtired pelvic floor muscles have similar disadvantages to weak ones, contributing to incontinence as well as increasing your risk of injury or strain. Further risks of overdoing it with Kegels include your pelvic floor muscles becoming too tight or short, which increases your risk of developing muscle tension and experiencing spasms.

          Excessively performing Kegel exercises is also bad for you, as the muscles they target can become tired.

          Making sure you're performing Kegels correctly, and ensuring your body gets adequate rest time between exercise sessions, is the best way to avoid these risks. Moreover, as we stated earlier, although stopping and starting your stream of urine can help you work out how to do Kegels correctly, it's important to try to keep that to a minimum to avoid complications such as urine retention, which could lead to a nasty urinary tract infection.

          How to Find the Right Performance Enhancement Tool for You


          Hopefully, now you have a decent understanding of how Kegels, despite once being thought of as an exercise only for women, is actually extremely useful for us men as well!

          Anyone can suffer from weakened pelvic floor muscles, and Kegel exercises are a simple yet effective way of treating numerous issues including incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation. As if health benefits weren't enough, Kegels can even positively affect your sex life, helping you last longer, and ramping up the intensity of climaxing!

          Kegels can even positively affect your sex life, helping you last longer, and ramping up the intensity of climaxing!

          The only way to get the result you want from Kegels is to stick to a consistent, daily routine of exercises. Multiple Kegels methods exist - including the back squeeze, side squeeze, and chair squeeze methods we mentioned earlier in the article - and they are all nice and easy to slot into a routine.

          As long as you start simple, ensure you're targeting the right muscles, and repeat your routine at least 3 times a day, you'll be able to perform Kegels safely and effectively in no time - just don't overdo it, and don't forget to breathe!

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