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Penis Enlargement Myths: What's Right, What's Wrong, and What's Dangerous

11 min read
Penis Enlargement Myths Featured Image

Unfortunately, the internet is the perfect environment for fake information to flourish - especially when it comes to penis size. To start with, you've got the unrealistic expectations of porn that suggest every man should be wielding at least a 9-inch penis (you shouldn't - here's the proof). Then, you've got a never-ending platform for companies to slip into your consciousness, offering you products and methods that will give you pornstar proportions.

Don't worry though - we're here to guide you through the myths and help you understand the science that relates to penis enlargement. Here, we'll look at the 8 surprisingly common myths relating to penile size - and then tell you the science-backed reality.

Important Note: If you're familiar with Lynk Pleasure and our rigorous writing process, you'll know that we always link to the evidence we're discussing so you can take a deeper dive into anything you wish. In the interests of truth and safety, we will not be linking to the false claims made in this article. We will, where possible, link you to the scientific evidence that debunks each myth or explains the reality behind the claim.

At a Glance

  • Common Myths Debunked: Popular but false methods include applying toothpaste, soaking in Coca-Cola, or consuming certain foods (like apple juice) to enlarge the penis. These myths are widely circulated but baseless and can be harmful.
  • Diet and Size: While no specific foods increase penis size, a poor diet leading to weight gain can make the penis appear smaller. Weight loss and a healthy diet can improve appearance and blood flow, leading to better erections.
  • Effective Methods: Despite widespread media skepticism, highly-reputable medical studies support penile traction devices and vacuum pumps as legitimate methods for increasing penis size.
  • Surgical Alternatives: Contrary to some myths, surgery is not the only option for penis enlargement. Urology specialists recommend non-surgical methods like traction devices as the first line of treatment.
  • Safety First: Dangerous practices like injecting Vaseline or other substances can lead to severe complications, including infections and permanent tissue damage. Always avoid unsafe DIY methods.

Myth 1: This Food Will Boost Penis Size (FALSE)

Let's start with a catch-all myth about different foods making your penis larger.

You don't have to explore too far to find claims that large amounts of garlic, onions, or dark chocolate will somehow increase the size of your penis.

Now, most of these ingredients are easy to rule out - especially since they're common in US and Western diets, and there's been no correlation between people consuming them and reporting sudden unexpected increases in the length and girth of their penises.

Things get a little more blurred when we look at more exotic ingredients though - such as the Bitter Kola Nut. There are plenty of social media posts that suggest making a drink that mixes lemon juice with Bitter Kola will make your penis increase in size until you reach the length you're happy with. This is - like other 'miracle ingredient' stories - is nonsense.

The influencers behind the claims are praying on people's natural curiosity about seemingly unknown traditional medicinal plants.

While Bitter Kola Nuts have been used in traditional medications in Africa for a long time - there's zero evidence, whether scientific or anecdotal, to suggest they will increase your penis size. The same can be said for all other 'miracle' quick-fix foodstuffs.

What's the truth?

What you eat can affect penis size - but not in the miraculous ways many influencers will have you believe.

Instead, a poor diet can make your penis appear smaller. When fat builds up around your pubic bone and genital area, it can add a layer of padding at the base of your penis - making the part of your penis that protrudes from your body less significant. In extreme cases, this can result in a 'buried penis'.

So, if you want a larger penis and you're carrying a few extra pounds - you might be surprised at what some sensible eating and manageable, moderate exercise can offer. As well as exposing more of your penis, you're also likely to enhance blood flow to your genitals too - resulting in larger, firmer erections.

Myth 2: Getting a Covid Vaccination in Your Penis Will Make it Bigger (FALSE)

In a screenshot supposedly taken from a CNN article, a Claremont, CA-based sexual medicine doctor appeared to suggest that not only was the penis the best place to administer men's Covid-19 vaccines (apparently because it more quickly distributed its way around the body from there) but also that many men who'd somehow agreed to this quickly noticed their penises were growing in size - often up to 3 inches.

When contacted about the claim, the doctor confirmed it was 100% fake and that his name and image had been used without his consent. The background information was equally ridiculous - with large non-relevant sections cut and pasted from real, but completely irrelevant, medical studies.

What's the truth?

While many of the claims on this list can be looked at in a different way and real health claims explored - this one simply has no place in reality. There was no CNN article, and there's no biological way a vaccine could add any length to your penis.

If you're having any kind of immunization or booster shot, no doctor will even begin to entertain syringing it into your penis.

Myth 3: Apple Juice Will Make Your Penis Bigger (FALSE)

We know we covered different foods at the outset of this article, but apple juice deserves a special stand-alone mention owing to how widespread this rumor became in a very short period of time.

The initial claim, it seems, came from a joke that YouTuber PewDiePie made about searching for ways to make your penis larger back in 2020. How this got connected to apple juice remains a mystery - but it's consistently inspired thousands of online searches since - and there's now even a ResearchGate article debunking the myth.

What's the truth?

There's no truth to the idea that apple juice is a miracle solution for guys who want a bigger penis.

Perhaps the only positive that would come from drinking lots of apple juice is the fact that it will keep you hydrated. Since hydration is an important part of erectile health, it could be seen as a path towards better erections as part of wider lifestyle changes that reduce blood pressure and improve circulation.

That said, apple juice is very high in sugar - which can lead to erection-damaging health issues.

As such, if you want to stay hydrated for erectile health, the most sensible bet is definitely water.

Myth 4: Rubbing Toothpaste on Your Penis Will Make it Bigger (FALSE)

Another myth that seems to have started with TikTok influencers is the idea that smearing minty toothpaste on your junk will somehow inspire impressive and quick size gains.

Once again, this is simply not true - and can, in fact, be dangerous. At best, applying toothpaste to your penis may create a tingling sensation owing to the mint and chemicals that give your mouth that clean, cool feel. However, these chemicals are not meant for the sensitive skin of your penis, so you're far more likely to end up with irritation or damaged skin than you are any growth.

What's the truth?

Some intimate lubes have body-safe chemicals in the ingredients that are designed to give a safe, tingling sensation in your genitals. To be clear, these lubes do not promise any kind of growth - merely a pleasant sensation that some people may find helps them get aroused.

This is another case of sensational "hacks" or claims that are designed to get views on social media - without considering the damage they could cause.

If you want a tingle in your penis - use a specialist lube - toothpaste is more likely to result in a dermatology appointment than any pleasure or enhancement.

Myth 5: Soaking Your Junk in Warm Coca-Cola Will Give You a Larger Penis (FALSE)

Another viral social media claim made in 2024 explained that if you warm Coca-Cola and place your non-erect penis into it, the phosphoric acid contained in the soda will miraculously expand your blood vessels and lead to increased penis size.

Before you waste a perfectly good can of Coke, it's important to stress that this is simply not true. Dipping sensitive skin in an acidic, sugary liquid can cause irritation, infections, and damage, particularly in delicate areas like the genitals.

What's the truth?

There are ways to increase penis size - both permanently and temporarily - and when you explore the kind of routines that can result in gains, you'll notice that warming your penis up with a flannel and warm water is an important step.

Warming your penis does indeed help blood flow - as well as helping the muscles in the penis relax. However, phosphoric acid, sugar, caffeine, or any of the other chemicals in cola will not help with this process.

Myth 6: Penis Enlargement Surgery is the Only Way to Increase Penis Size (FALSE)

Disappointingly, many otherwise reputable sources of information on the internet are quick to debunk the kinds of claims we're talking about here by stating that penis surgery is the only way that a person can change what nature has given them.

Once again, this is a myth - although it's one so many mainstream media outlets report that it's become considered fact.

What's the truth?

The science around penis enlargement overwhelmingly shows that penile traction devices consistently offer between 1.8-2.4 cm of added length for people who are using them to extend what they've got. Anecdotally, many guys also suggest these gains are boosted further by using a penis pump to encourage a healthy blood flow around the extended tissue. Not only that, but the people at the forefront of the research publicly state that:

"Based on current evidence, we suggest that penile extenders, not surgery, should be the first-line treatment for men seeking a penile lengthening procedure."

Penile traction devices also offer additional length for normal men complaining of having a 'bent' penis - a medical condition known as Peyronie's disease. When Peyronie's is treated, the reduced angle of the bend almost always results in a longer erection - with no penile augmentation required.

Myth 7: Vacuum Pumps Don't Increase Penile Length (FALSE)

The use of penis pumps to increase the length and girth of a man's penis is an area of investigation that is very often misunderstood. Most medical news outlets suggest that penis pumps are exclusively for the treatment of ED - but this is not the case.

In reality, there are huge online communities of men who have taken it upon themselves to methodically research how to use penis pumps to get impressive temporary gains - with many also suggesting that permanent gains are possible. In lots of cases, these community spaces where people experiment with penis pumps for lasting enlargement often report the most significant gains when penis pumps and penile traction devices are used as part of the same routine - adding further weight to the last point on this list.

Most medical news outlets suggest that penis pumps are exclusively for the treatment of ED - but this is not the case.

While these gains are not backed up by peer-reviewed scientific evidence, the sheer number of normal guys who are reporting gains with penis pumps makes it very difficult to ignore - and, at the very least, not something that should be discarded immediately as a myth.

What's the truth?

A vacuum pump is an extremely effective way to treat erectile dysfunction - in fact, many doctors will suggest a penis pump to guys who talk to them about ED.

So, how do penis pumps work? Well, by using negative pressure, penis pumps draw blood into the penis - even when medical conditions mean these natural erectile processes aren't working as effectively as they should.

Since a penis pump can create pressure that the body cannot, the penis will often become more engorged with oxygen-rich blood than it ever has before - with the spongy corpora cavernosa tissue in the penis filling with this blood. These tissues are very pliable and can hold a large amount of blood - so a penis pump will often fill the penis with more blood than it has experienced before - creating firmer, fuller, and larger erections.

While there is no conclusive proof that a penis pumping routine will lead to lasting differences in size - it's considered a fact that a penis pump and constriction ring will lead to healthier and larger erections temporarily.

Myth 8: Injecting Vaseline (Or Similar) Will Make Your Penis Larger (FALSE)

Perhaps the most eye-watering (and dangerous) myth about increasing penis size relates to the thought of injecting your own penis with Vaseline or similar substances in an effort to 'fill' the penis. The idea behind it is that injecting these substances under the skin will increase the volume of the penis, thereby making it appear larger.

It cannot be overstated that you shouldn't under any circumstances inject your penis with any kind of Vaseline, silicone, or oil products.

Sadly, this myth often circulates in communities where access to legitimate medical procedures may be limited or among individuals seeking an immediate and low-cost alternative to surgery. Equally, unscrupulous, unlicensed practitioners or individuals in underground cosmetic circles may promote this as a "safe" or "effective" DIY method for enhancement.

What's the truth?

This myth, like the Covid-19 penis injections, has absolutely no basis in reality. While there may be people who are willing to carry out such procedures, the dangers relating to this kind of injection are easily the most significant on this list.

Improperly administered 'filler' injections can lead to infections, build-ups under the skin that require surgical removal, and, in the worst case, 'tissue necrosis' - where blood vessels become blocked and the muscle in your penis permanently perishes.

When there are legitimate and safe surgical and nonsurgical interventions that will lead to a larger penis, it simply does not make sense to risk your health engaging in this kind of practice.

What Should You Do if You Want a Larger Penis?

If you're reading this, the chances are you'd like to explore ways of getting a longer or wider penis. If this feels familiar, we would first suggest that you ask yourself why.

Typically, guys think the average penis length is much greater than it actually is. The average flaccid (soft) size is 8.70cm (3.43 inches) - and the average erect length is 13.93cm (5.48 inches). Remember too - these average lengths mean half the guys in the world are slightly bigger than this, whereas half the guys are slightly smaller. Even if you're smaller than these averages, so too are tens of millions of other men here in the U.S.


Of course, you're perfectly entitled to explore making your penis longer or wider. If you'd like to do so, we'd strongly recommend exploring either a penis pump or a penile traction device.

The pump is a great option if you'd like some temporary additional size - whereas a traction device is proven to add permanent size, just with a longer process to get you there.

When it comes to adding size, there are no magic solutions, so don't be tempted by quick fixes. Instead, explore proven solutions that have worked for millions of other men.

How to Find the Perfect Pleasure Match for Any Size

Penis Enlargement Myths: A Summary

The internet is full of myths and downright dangerous methods when it comes to penis enlargement, from applying toothpaste or apple juice to soaking your genitals in warm soda.

None of these so-called "quick fixes" offer any real results, and many can cause serious harm, including infections, scarring, and tissue damage.

Of course, the myths around penis enlargement aren't always dangerous - some are just factually incorrect and don't represent the latest finding from medical studies. This is often the case when otherwise trusted media outlets explore the use of penis traction devices and penis pumps. Both of these methods have proven results in medical studies and large groups of amateur enlargement communities.

In short, it's absolutely essential to verify anything you read about penis enlargement online carefully. While some methods should be avoided, there are also legitimate methods that are not seeing the positive media coverage they deserve.

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